Here's some things to check for:
1. Misspelling of any word/words within the advertisement.
2. Any form of contact that the scammer provides that proves it's not credible. Such as a crazy email like rather than An email should represent the company, not an individual UNLESS you are speaking to the individual through their personal email, however normally that is not the case.
3. Their phone number doesn;t necessarily match a local phone number, for example: 111-235-2316 instead of 806-414-2300. Now sometimes there are strange phone numbers and that's okay but if you call the phone number and there's no voicemail or other options to select then you might be dealing with a scammer. Especially if they prefer text rather than talking to you directly over the phone conversation.
Amarillo, TX
Canyon, TX
Pampa, TX
4005 SW 50th Ave
Amarillo, TX 79109
Office Hours: 9-5 M-F
Broker License No. 652486 | Broker: Jarec Pace